As I write this, the New Moon at 20* Sagittarius is perfecting at 3:32pm CST on 12/12/23. Normally I would do a write up or post a video about the energies today. Instead, I’d rather show the energy with keywords and pictures. Something a little more light hearted and easy to absorb.
So here goes…
Internal Reflection:
Right now we have some great moments to dive deep into our own truth, today, but also through the December Solstice on the 21st and into the new year.
Can you carve out time every day for yourself, even if you have to get up an hour early to fit it in? Journaling about how far you’ve come this year and some key moments you’ve experienced is a great way to wrap up the year.
I love Mary K Greer’s book Tarot for Yourself and plan to do many of the exercises as a way to reflect and get solid insights on where I am and where I want to go before setting intentions for the new year.
Broaden your Spiritual Compass:
This is another great book for right now, one that translates Jesus’ words in the original Aramaic language he spoke. It’s amazing how different his words are in Aramaic versus the King James English translation, and also how truly heart opening in a way I’ve not experienced before.
I’m reading one passage a day as we walk through this time of diminishing light up to the Solstice. The Sun (son) will stand still for three days on the 20th, 21st, and 22nd. This time represents the three days before the ‘resurrection’ when we’re brought back to life once the moments of daylight (consciousness) begin to increase again.
What would you like to bring back to life after the Solstice?
Light your own fire:
I’ve done a lot of releasing this year of habits, people, and untruths that’ve kept my inner fire dim. It’s made me realize just how hard it was to be creative when I never lit my own fire. I’m focusing everyday now on doing things that please me, like making art. The chores have amazingly and easily fit themselves around this practice.
Painting has become one of my spiritual practices in that this is where I come to know myself. The blank piece of paper or canvas gets filled up with my heart and soul. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. I just let it flow without over thinking, just like when I was young, before everyone else’s expectations about what art is started to crowd out my own relationship with paint and paper, and with myself.
Creativity is an act of our divinity. Light your creative fire to know yourself as the God/Goddess that you are. You can create anything you want.
More Music please:
With this new Moon squaring Neptune in Pisces, music is a place to go for inspiration more than ever.
I’ve got my Inspo playlist (link below) on repeat right now. I’m listening while I paint, cook, wrap gifts, walk the dog….any moment I can find, really.
Music has a fast track to our hearts, so choose music that helps you expand it.
And even better, sing along loudly to open your throat chakra and massage your vagal nerve that relaxes your whole body!
Hope you’ve enjoyed my new Moon energy update in pictures as much as I’ve enjoyed making it. :)
Many blessings to you throughout this season of light.
xo, Kimberly