The 'Three months to live' philosophy
How I live seasonally while also living one moment at a time
I listened to Lee Harris’s July Energy Update and one of the tips he gave (among many other really good ones) was to live as if you only have three months to live. His take was that we waste so much of our lives worrying about the future and things that never happen. When we know time is short, we tend to eliminate the BS and focus on what’s good.
I wholeheartedly agree! You often hear me saying ‘focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want’.
I subscribe to the three months to live philosophy, only I call it intentional seasonal living.
As a Taurus Moon baby, I embrace each three month season, thoroughly staying immersed in it until it’s over according to the Solstices and Equinox.
Following the Earth’s seasonal cycles is super soothing to the nervous system, and getting as much pleasure possible out of each season just plain feels good.
Our consumeristic society will have you thinking about the next season long before the one you’re in is even close to over. The retailer’s job, after all, is to unload as many jackets and pumpkin lattes as possible.
But we don’t have to participate in this madness.
Following the capitalistic calendar keeps us always looking forward and out of sync with the natural rhythms of Earth.
I think the greatest harm done is that we’ve learned to not be in the present moment. We’re constantly looking for the next ‘thing’ which ultimately means we’re not actually savoring, or even truly experiencing, our one precious life.
This is why I practice intentional seasonal living.
So you’ll find me fully immersed in summer until Fall Equinox on Sunday, September 22nd.
Once the calendar turns to August 1st, many start their ‘Fall’ activities but the MID-POINT of summer doesn’t even happen until August 6th!! Why cut short all the magnificence summer has to offer?
So, until the true end of summer, I’ll be sitting in my own personal soaking pool under my gazebo full of Wisteria vines.
I’ll be harvesting my herbs and making yummy summer salads.
I’ll be playing board games with those extra hours of sunlight long into the evening on my front porch.
I’m going to suck all the juice out of summer I possibly can.
And what if this was the last time I was to experience all this summer goodness? What would I do differently?
That’s the beauty of living an intentional life.
Intentional living means taking your power back and then using it for what makes you feel good.
If I was told I only had 3 months to live, I’d be ok with that. I’d know I made the most of my time.
This gives me enormous peace.
So my friends, what would you do with the next three months if they were your last? What would you get rid of? What would you add in?
It’s fun at the start of each new season to make a list of all the best things that season has to offer and then work them into your calendar.
It’s not too late!
What would you like to do that feels resonant with summer until September 22nd?
I’ll be making citronella candles…
and infused water…
and creating and enjoying a beautiful garden.
Intentionally syncing with what’s here now and ignoring what others would have you focus on that doesn’t feel good leads to an empowered and joyful life.
In the end, spending as much time with the people you love doing the things that make you happy in a way that builds a more loving world is the only thing that will have mattered in this lifetime.
After all, happy intentional people make the world a better place!
With hugs and fresh basil and homemade ice cream,
Kimberly xo