This is my inaugural post of the new content I’ll be sending out to paid subscribers. I wanted to give everyone a taste of what they can expect from my channeled content over the coming months. Plus, I’ll be writing more in-depth about qualities of Queendom, aka how to be fully in your feminine power in these revolutionary times, and posting new original art. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey into the authentic and free feminine heart. I hope you’ll upgrade your subscription to paid if you haven’t already so you can travel with us by clicking the button at the bottom of this post. Big love xo
‘Queen Ruth’ by Kimberly Millstone
Hello gentle reader,
I have a treat for you today from a great wise feminine elder, Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
She’s very excited to come through and share her perspective for our current times. And, I’m honored she chose me to speak through.
I hope her words bring you courage and lift you up as much as they did for me. I find her so illuminated as she speaks from a higher perspective now.
“I lived a long and fruitful life. I accomplished many things I set out to do. I had a burning in my heart to make a difference for all women. Everything I did was for women everywhere, to break barriers, to create paths that did not exist before me. I am well pleased with my life and feel very blessed.
Now, however, it is not necessary to sacrifice so greatly to be great. One only has to tune into the inherent power held in each woman’s breast. Look within yourselves without compromise. Let no man choose for you. Let no doctrine decide your fate.
This time requires the rise of your own feminine knowing. Cultivate trust in this above all else. You already know the way forward. Have you the courage to be your full selves? To live first and only from your hearts?
The path I walked was in the justice system. I would not choose that again were I to be born today. Too many rules to follow that cannot be sustained. Make your own rules now. Seek out your own feminine justice that speaks from love.
This may require hard lines to be drawn. Love can be fierce and it never panders to the unconscious ones. There are still many of those. You must take note and adjust accordingly. Do not delay! Begin now to follow your own heart’s wisdom.”
~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ruth was a Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Venus, and had a Cancer Morning Star Venus Star Point.
I’d love to hear about how Ruth’s words made you feel or any thoughts that came to mind in the comments below.
xo, Kimberly