The new Moon in Capricorn each year gives us the resolution vibes normally credited to New Year’s Day.
While we turn over into a new yearly cycle, a new numerology energy (this year’s is the number nine), and ‘get back to work!’ after the brief rest period allotted to those working for a living, I’m pondering the placement of Capricorn energy in the dead of winter in the Northern hemisphere.
Capricorn represents our career or the work we’re known for. Ruled by Saturn, it’s all about discipline, making a plan, climbing the mountain until we reach the peak, hence the goal-setting.
As I’m always wont to do, I’m searching for a higher vibrational meaning of this sign. One that’s not viewed through a capitalistic lens that bleeds people dry for the profit of a few.
What does Saturn/Capricorn want us to know now?
There are guideposts given the aspects this Moon is making; a square to Chiron in Aries and a quincunx to Jupiter in Gemini.
The ruler of Aries, Mars, is currently in a tight opposition to Pluto, and thus influencing Chiron in a major way.
The translation…this Moon cycle is inviting us to look into the ways our wounding keeps us stuck in work habits because ‘everyone else does them’, and also the external forces demanding something from us that we think we don’t have the power to change, when in fact we do.
This wounding usually comes from a fear of scarcity; the thoughts that we won’t be ok if we go against the grain, that we won’t have the resources we need if we stand for our own well-being and buck the system.
But there are paths to lead us out of this underground bunker. We can dig one spoonful of dirt at a time while looking for the places that lead to expansion and light.
One small change day by day, until Viola!, we’re in a whole new place that truly feels good to mind, body and Soul.
This is Capricorn energy used for us instead of against us.
Of all the signs, I think Capricorn energy’s been the most co-opted by the establishment.
So, what goals would you like to entertain for yourself at this time that have nothing to do with making someone else rich and everything to do with setting yourself free, ones that don’t require you to buy something or white knuckle it to completion so you can feel like you fit in?
What goals would bring you peace of mind because they fortify the reality you wish to live in and how you want to feel?
If the dark is for dreaming, then perhaps this time is best used dreaming a whole new sustainable system that takes care of us and our communities.
What would that ‘work’ look like for you?
For me, Capricorn season is the full Sun of my Solar year.
Just like we have monthly cycles with the moon: new Moon, first quarter, full Moon and last quarter, we have yearly cycles for our individual Solar year: new Sun, first quarter, full Sun, last quarter.
As a Cancer Sun, Capricorn marks the mid-point of my Solar year and the time when I see my yearly progress in full light, my full Sun. Every December/January, I find there’s a heightened energy that happens for me, a ripeness comes in from the work I’ve done since my birthday in July.
(To find your full Sun period, look at the sign directly across from your Sun sign in the astrological wheel.)
As my yearly full Sun peaks, I’m being reminded how important my art is to me and how I want to rededicate myself to spending more time painting.
I finally did the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron this fall (after owning the book for twenty years!!). So many revelations came through by doing the morning pages every day about how I hide this way of expressing myself based on wounding that happened when I was a young artist.
I also realized I had a threshold for how good I would let myself feel, an upper limit to pleasure!
My art brings me so much pleasure, but the story lines in my head were about putting work first and pleasure last, because I shouldn’t feel that good at the expense of other “more” important work.
Many times as a kid I was scolded to put my art supplies away since the house chores sat waiting. (I get it…I was raised by a single mom who needed help!)
It’s no surprise I only sat down to paint in the small moments between taking care of responsibilities as an adult.
Going forward, I plan to make painting a top priority in my life. I’ll be sharing more about this with you in later posts. :)
Maybe you have a similar dynamic in your own life?
Maybe you were shamed for doing what made you feel good, too?
I’d love to hear if you’re having similar thoughts…
Capricorn energy is now calling for us to create a routine that puts pleasure first, to make that our main responsibility. To grow this energy in our life and see if it can sustain us rather than all the hard core ways we’ve been taught to ‘do’ work.
What if turning to our pleasure first created a path to abundance on all levels?
This is the perfect question from a Moon quincunx Jupiter in Gemini.
So, dear friends, I ask you, what goal is your pleasure asking for?
Excited to see where this takes you,
Kimberly xo