How we learned to betray ourselves
We each create meaning for everything we experience. Up til now on the planet, we’ve held common agreements around most subjects regarding what things mean. These agreements tether us together and give us a set of rules to live by, most of them unspoken because they were passed down to us in early childhood.Â
Our society has depended on us agreeing on the same things. This is how organizations have functioned.
Our schools relied on the kids being taught to be obedient, to sit still for hours and hours, even when our bodies were screaming to move. We were taught to override the signals in our brain that told us when we had to pee, when we were hungry, when we needed sunlight and fresh air. Not only that, but we did it in GROUPS. Thus sealing in the idea that what needs to happen for the group is more important than what wants to happen for the individual.
This training was always assumed to be for the ‘greater good’, with the premise that people can’t be trusted to do the ‘right’ thing on their own, that people are inherently selfish and will only think of what they want, not others well-being.
This idea is mostly true because the idea of scarcity was also taught to us at the same time.Â
‘There’s not enough to go around.’Â
We were taught to kill ourselves with working hard to achieve, or to beg for mercy if we couldn’t. We were taught to get there first before it’s all gone.
These ways of being come from very low vibrational masculine thought forms. They’re void of the divine knowing that there’s always enough, where we trust our Selves to take loving, powerful action to create whatever we need at the time it is needed.
These ways of being also circumvent our own feminine essence that knows how to navigate with intuition, that knows how to live from the heart of all things. This was missing in the lesson plans from the beginning.
A society steeped in the understanding that they are powerful creators who can give and receive at will does not need to betray itself. A society who is used as a foundation to strip off the excess for the benefit of a few does.
We’re learning again what it means to listen to our own needs and honor them.
We’re learning that suffering comes when we ignore these needs, for ourselves and our society.Â
Those taught to betray themselves will betray others. Those taught to cut off their own essence will never truly value the essence of another.Â
Our path to a better society comes when each individual is taught to fully love and honor themselves and find their OWN version of creative joy. These individuals don’t need to be kept in check because an overflowing joyful heart automatically wants the same for everyone else.
It’s time to begin again with an eye toward honoring the divine masculine and divine feminine within each of us.
It’s time to make better agreements.