The pagan tradition of Samhain (Sow-wen) is celebrated today, November 1st, by some. It was brought to the US with the Irish in the 19th century and over time morphed into the celebration of Halloween we have today. The Celts believed that night preceded day so the celebrations took place on the eve of Samhain, or October 31st. This is also considered the end of the Celtic year with Samhain being their New Year’s day.
Originally, its intent was to honor the ancestors who could be felt easily as the veils are very thin during Scorpio season. Lunar Samhain was last Saturday on the full Moon and Solar Samhain will be Nov. 7th when the Sun is at 15* Scorpio, exactly halfway between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice.
I’m pondering how our traditions may be morphing again as we search for more meaning in our celebrations. The original tradition of warding off harmful spirits with costumes and masks turned into a day to try on a new identity, dress up and get creative. This is all great fun but I do question (and always have) loading kids and adults up on sugar just as we’re heading into cold and flu season. Just sayin…
For me, it feels really good to skip commercial halloween and instead build an altar to my ancestors. I let them know I so appreciate their continued guidance in my life, even though they’re not still with me in a physical way. This year is especially poignant with my father’s passing in February. Love and miss you, Dad!!!
I will always look to seasonal and cosmic cycles for my bearings. It brings me so much comfort to follow the rhythms of the natural world.Â
Have you noticed traditions shifting around this holiday? Did you do anything differently this year? I’d love to know.