There’s a concept I’ve been playing with for months (years?) that I just haven’t been able to totally integrate into my daily life as much as I’d like; living with joy as my PREDOMINANT state of being.
But lately, it’s been easier for me to hold this frequency more and more. Â
I think that’s in part due to all the clearing work I’ve done around beliefs that hold me down, and also the huge influx of Solar Plasma light energy streaming to earth since the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction back on April 20th (Auroras and X class flares for daysssss). I could also throw in all the good vibes I picked up on my trip to Glastonbury end of April/beginning of May.
Since returning from England, I’ve cycled up and down, with periods of intense exhaustion, and then super high energy days where I feel great. I’ve come to deeply trust the exhaustion as periods of integration. I let myself sleep as much as possible on those days…Â
And, I have to say, the days following integration are incredible! I feel so much peace and joy, I almost don’t know what to do with myself!
Over time, I think the highs and lows will start to even out but for now, holy moly, it’s quite the rollercoaster! How are y’all holding up?
I’ve heard from many others who are going through a similar pattern. This is a collective phenomenon because it’s written in the cosmos.
The benevolent surges of energy will continue as Venus meets with the Sun in Gemini tomorrow, June 4th. These two come together (cazimi) just two days before the Gemini new Moon on the 6th, so we have a Venus/Sun/Moon conjunction, as well.Â
These three are squaring Saturn and sesquiquadrate Pluto, meaning we have an opportunity to look at where we hold ourselves back from living a life built on what we love most.Â
And with all of this energy in Gemini, it will be a really wonderful Moon cycle for exploring your deepest desires by trying new things.Â
Practice beginner’s mind. Ask yourself where in your life you’re repeating old patterns just because they’re comfortable but not really all that great.Â
Rebirth energy is so strong right now as Venus prepares to begin her next cycle as an Evening Star for the next 263 days.
I truly believe this is a time for increasing our capacity to feel more joy, and then holding it for longer and longer periods of time.
And believe it or not, this takes practice!
Feeling joy can be uncomfortable for many, even for a few minutes.
But for the next month, can you try adding in something that makes you super happy EACH AND EVERY DAY? It’s helpful to start with small things and build up from there if this seems overwhelming to you.
And then watch what happens.
Do you tell yourself you don’t have time for all that goodness? Do feelings of unworthiness surface? Do you tell yourself it’s not ok to be happy when others are suffering? (This one is SUPER common.) Do you say to yourself, ‘I’ll do something fun once my ‘serious’ responsibilities are finished’, and then never get to the fun stuff?Â
Watch the thoughts that surface around feeling TOO good TOO often.Â
I also suggest taking notes.Â
At the end of this Moon cycle, you may be shocked at all the ways you stopped yourself, and all the feelings that arose.
Question everything about what it means to have a happy life: how you work, how you feel about money and relationships, your affiliations and partnerships, and how much beauty you allow in.
Notice if you spend the majority of your time on things you love or on things you think you have to do but don’t really like.
Notice if you’re blocking your own joy. (!!!)
Knowing the Universe has a more joyful agenda planned can help us to break free from limiting beliefs we’ve been taught and have practiced unconsciously our entire lives.
Every light code coming to the planet at this time is here to help us level up to more Peace, Love and Joy.
To longer and longer periods of joy.
xo, Kimberly