As we sit in the dark, we can either fight it or give in to the enveloping comfort.
Many traditions this time of year are about bringing in more light. But what if we let ourselves sit in the dark instead?
Our collective focus is on caffeine-fueled production and consumption.
Many of us will try to push through ‘somehow’.
Why is it so hard to let ourselves rest?
Our ancestors used the fall harvest to gather sustenance for the winter months. They knew there was a finite amount stored in the cellar. Once winter came, they meted out the daily provisions and spent their time conserving energy. Activity required more fuel and that was something they couldn’t afford to waste.
Conservation was revered as a means for survival then. In our world today, life has the illusion of the never ending fount. This has caused great harm to our bodies and our planet.
What happens when we have no more fuel to create with?
In the never ending quest for more, we’ve robbed ourselves of what it feels like to slow down, and now we’re facing collective burnout.
Will we give in to the dark now? Will we finally let go?
There’s great wisdom embedded in scarcity.
Today is about sitting very still as we let the holiness of these days sink into our bones. We stand still like the Sun.
From astrologer Divine Harmony: “The Sun moves into Capricorn and comes to the stillest point in his orbital path. He will no longer move any lower in the sky at solar noon and appears to come to a standstill for 3 days. From December 21st through December 24th the Sun stands still at the southern declination of 23 degrees 26 minutes and then starts to move by 1 minute on December 24th and then by 2 minutes on December 25th. With technology we can see this but with the naked eye it is imperceptible.”
Let the stillness whisper to you the heart dreams incubating until the light returns.
Can you wrap your arms around them in the warmest embrace, holding the tiny seeds that will eventually grow when the time is right?
Let yourself rest and recharge now, my loves.
While in the womb, new inspiration will start to populate your quiet mind.
Let the visions soothe your soul knowing the Universe is listening and there’s nothing you must do.
Because, for now, we belong to the dreamtime.
In peaceful reverie,
Kimberly xo