Capricorn energy is ruled by Saturn/Kronos, or Father Time as he’s sometimes called. In Greek mythology, he’s known as a Titan, son of Uranus (sky) and Gaea (earth), who ruled the world until his son Zeus dethroned him. His Roman counterpart is Saturn.
In Astrology, we know him as a Master teacher and symbol of psychic process through which we utilize the experiences of restriction and discipline as a path to greater consciousness.
We play with this energy from Dec 21st to Jan 20th. Capricorn helps us get organized and set goals. Capricorn wants us to think through our processes to make sure we’re setting a strong foundation to build on.
We mostly associate Capricorn, albeit unconsciously, with New Year’s resolutions. This is also why we see all those ads and magazine articles to GET ORGANIZED in January, white sales, container sales, etc. Collectvely, we all feel it.
Astrology brings the invitation to look deeper at the ways Saturn is showing up in our life, beyond the commercial and surface interactions. We all have a specific way we interact with Saturn based on our natal placements and where he’s currently transiting our charts.
One fascination I’ve held throughout my life is our relationship to time, Saturn’s home court. We came here to experience time in a more concrete way but many cosmic teachers will tell us that time does not exist in higher dimensions. As we hurl towards the age of Aquarius, we’re getting lessons in loosening our grip on how we interact with the concept of time.
We can all feel how this is shifting in our own lives. It feels slippery and more malleable. Some moments fly by very quickly while others seem to last forever. We’re learning that we control the rate based on our focus and presence and, indeed, there’s magic to be experienced around the concept of time.
I’ve showcased these four books this month because each of them play with time in a new way. I adored each of them for the mind opening possibilities the book’s characters experience in very plausible, grounded (a Capricorn word) ways.
After all, grounding magic is the initiation we’re all being invited into at this time on the planet.
I wish for you a wonderful exploration within your own days, hours, minutes. May you find that you become more intimately connected to what your heart wants to experience in each moment and find a way to make this your new Saturnian habit.
I’d love to hear your experiences and how you’re working with time differently.
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ox, Kimberly